

Robert Spano
President of the European Court of Human Rights

Robert Spano is the Patron of the ELSA Law Review. He is the newly elected President of the European Court of Human Rights and has served as a judge since 1 November 2013. He holds a Cand. jur. degree in Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Iceland as well as a Mag. jur. degree in European and Comparative Law from University of Oxford (University College).

Council of Europe
Human Rights Partner

The Council of Europe (CoE), based in Strasbourg (France), now covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949 by 10 countries, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Marija Pejčinović Burić (Croatia) began her position as Secretary General of the Council of Europe on 18 September, after being elected in June 2019 by the Parliamentary Assembly for a five-year mandate. It is a great honour for us, that she has accepted to be the Patron of ELSA.

Católica Global School of Law
Academic Partner

Católica Global School of Law of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) in Lisbon is a global centre of teaching and research, bringing together top European and American faculties and a bright and diverse international group of students. The professionals and academics from Católica Global School of Law provide the selected authors of the ELSA Law Review with academic feedback.

Wolf Publishers
Publication Partner

Since 1998 Wolf Publishers has been active as an independent legal publisher. With books, journals and reports in the field of (international) criminal law and (international) public law, including human rights, Wolf Publishers is leading. Wolf Publishers provides editorial feedback and assistance in the publication of the ELSA Law Review.

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Universities, NGOs, companies and other organisations have an opportunity to cooperate with ELSA by supporting the publication, providing submissions or other forms of support. The publication is promoted across the whole Europe by means of websites, social media as well as the official communication channels of the European Law Students’ Association, such as Synergy, the members’ magazine of ELSA, and our international mailing lists.



