Author: Sofia Sutera Sofia Sutera holds a PhD from the International Joint PhD Programme in ‘Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance’ hosted by the Human Rights Centre ‘Antonio Papisca’
Author: Blánaid Sheeran Blánaid Sheeran is the In House Contributor of the ELSA Law Review Blog. She is a second-year student at the European Law School, Maastricht University. She also
Preamble The rule of law is the foundation of all other rights. Without the rule of law, nothing else works. Without the rule of law, there is no contract system,
Authors: Bernardo Regodeiro, Dussu Djabula and Raquel Burgoa Dias Bernardo is a third-year University of Lisbon School of Law student. Bernardo was born in Lisbon, Portugal. Since he was young, he showed
Author: Vladislav V. Zhemerov Member of ELSA Russia, 3rd year student of North-West branch of the Russian State University of Justice (St. Petersburg). Digital human rights: near future or
Author: Violetta Fitsner Violetta Fitsner holds a Master Degree from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), specialising in International and European Law. The author is currently studying at
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Author: Marine Richert Marine Richert obtained her LL.B and a Certificate in Anglo-American Law from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) in 2017 and received the Award of Excellence from the